For you mom

For you mom

For all the merits exposed

For lovely affection devoted

For every life meaning acquainted

And for each tear fallen down

Mom, I’m sorry

I don’t posses a powerfull body to reply all your merits

My heart is too weak to affect you as deep as you do

My mind is very simple-minded even just to utter beautiful words for

Your smile, even just to raise your pride on everybody’s eyes, even

Just to reach the dream you exprct me to br, even just to do and

Behave like what you always remind me about

I’m just kinda hell for u

Mortifying you in often

Hurting your heart as always

I just bring nothing but cries

I disappoint you even for today

In this day to commemorate

I could not say anything but I love you so

Penulis :  Amirul Wahid (Peserta Didik Aktif LPBA, Pondok Pesantren Nurul Jadid)

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